Let’s celebrate together HKGBC’s 11th Anniversary! (只提供英文版)
Today 27 November marks the 11th Anniversary of Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC)! “11” not only indicates HKGBC’s Anniversary, but also symbolises “1+1” which denotes the Council’s valuable collaborations with our members and stakeholders. On this special occasion, we wish to express our deepest appreciation to all our friends in this green building journey, especially on the support from the Government, members and partners.
Although we could not celebrate HKGBC’s birthday in a typical way due to the pandemic, we are honoured to have invited Mr Michael WONG, Secretary for Development, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, to share a congratulatory message to us in a virtual way. Mr CHEUNG Hau-wai, Chairman of HKGBC would also like to take this opportunity to share our works and gratitude with our friends and stakeholders in Hong Kong and overseas. Please click the images below to watch their videos!
Mr Michael WONG
Secretary for Development
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Besides, it is our great pleasure to host the “1st HKGBC Online Award Presentation” at 6:30pm tonight (27 November) on HKGBC Facebook . Don’t miss it to share our joy! You will also get the chance to win surprise gifts from the game that follows. For details, please visit HKGBC Facebook and join us to celebrate HKGBC’s 11th Anniversary!