
Advancing Net Zero: Latest Developments Symposium (只供英文版)

The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), co-organised with GRESB and BEAM Society Limited, will hold the Advancing Net Zero: Latest Developments Symposium on 11 March 2024 (Monday).

The Symposium will announce the latest developments of the Net Zero Energy Building Certification and the Climate Change Framework (Version 2). The Symposium will also discuss the updates of the GRESB and the BEAM Plus assessment systems, followed by a panel discussion session. Additionally, the Zero-Carbon-Ready Building Certification will be presented to the awardees at the event.

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Event Detail
Event Name: Advancing Net Zero: Latest Developments Symposium (只供英文版)
Presented By:

Dr CHEUNG Tin-cheung, SBS, Mr Joseph CHAN ho-lim, JP,  Ir Dr Cary CHAN Wing-hong, JP,  Ms Pooja CHANGANI, Ir HO Chi-shing, Mr Eli KOVITZ, Ir Sr Jonathan LEE Man-kwong, Mr Willy MAK Chun-chung, Ms Grace KWOK May-han, Ir PAN Shu-jie

Date: 2024年03月11日
Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm

This event will be conducted in the form of webinar via Zoom.

(An event reminder with Zoom Webinar ID will be provided around a week before the event.)

Capacity: 1000

2 CPD hours will be automatically uploaded to attendees' BEAM Pro/ BEAM Affiliate Individual Accounts.

Contact Phone: 39948818
Contact Email: sd@hkgbc.org.hk

2:00pm – 2:05pm

Welcome Remarks

Dr CHEUNG Tin-cheung, SBS 
Hong Kong Green Building Council

2:05pm – 2:10pm

Opening Remarks

Mr Joseph CHAN Ho-lim, JP
Under Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury
The Government of Hong Kong SAR

2:10pm – 2:40pm

Zero-Carbon-Ready Building Certificate Presentation Ceremony & Photo Session

2:40pm – 2:55pm

Introducing of the Climate Change Framework & Net Zero Energy Building Certification

Ir Dr Cary CHAN, JP
Executive Director
Hong Kong Green Building Council

2:55pm – 3:10pm

2024: Updates & Development for Upcoming GRESB Assessment

Manager, Member Relations Asia-Pacific 

3:10pm – 3:25pm

BEAM Plus Updates

Ir HO Chi-shing
General Manager
BEAM Society Limited

3:25pm – 3:55pm

Panel Discussion 

Ms Grace KWOK May-han
cum Sustainability Development Committee Vice Chair
Hong Kong Green Building Council

Urban Land Institute Hong Kong

Ir Sr Jonathan LEE Man-kwong
The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management

Mr Willy MAK Chun-chung
Chief Manager(Banking Policy)A
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
The Government of Hong Kong SAR

3:55pm – 4:00pm

Closing Remarks

Ir PAN Shu-jie
cum Sustainable Development Committee Chairman
Hong Kong Green Building Council
Language: English


  1. For BEAM Pro / BEAM Affiliate: Once you entered the valid BEAM Pro / BEAM Affiliate number during registration, member price will be entitled. Please register by clicking "Register (for BEAM Pro / BEAM Affiliate or non-HKGBC member)".
  2. Seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Upon submission through this Online Registration Form, a seat is reserved for you.
  3. Event reminders with Zoom Webinar ID will be provided around a week before the event.
  4. The URL to join the webinar is unique to the email account that you have registered with. Please do not forward the link to other email accounts.
  5. No Show / Cancellation – Cancellation must be made by email to sd@hkgbc.org.hk on or before 8 March 2024 12:00noon. Please quote your registration number in the email.
  6. Certificate of attendance will be issued by email around a week after the event.
  7. The CPD hour(s) will be automatically uploaded to attendees' BEAM Pro / BEAM Affiliate Individual Accounts around a week after the event.

Limited seats. First come, first served.