We are honoured to have Mr Paul Chan Mo-po, MH, JP, Secretary for Development of the HKSARG, to deliver a keynote speech at the Plenary Global Vision Session of the Conference.
The CIC & HKGBC will engage in organising three debate sessions in the stream of “Transforming Reality” under Global Vision, each with 4 speakers and 1 moderator to answer a question about the current needs of the building sector, posed by the Conference Scientific Committee.
The sessions are addressed to:
- Industry and manufacturers from the building sector
- Scientific Research organisations and/or Universities
- Professional Organisations from the building sector
- Government and administrative organisations from the sector
- Innovation and technology companies involved in the building field
- Other organisations: non-profit associations, foundations, etc
In WSB14, the Sessions will be 90 minutes long, with the following reference structure:
The Session starts with a question that has to be answered. The moderator introduces the subject (object of discussion) in a 10-minute presentation; each one of the 4 speakers present their contribution in a 10-minute presentations; the discussion is open to the audience for 30 minutes; finally, conclusions are drawn by the moderator, and presented to, and hopefully approved by, the audience, in the last 10 minutes.