The HKGBC is committed to maintaining a high level of accountability, credibility and transparency, which would in turn foster public confidence in the Council.
The Board of Directors is the highest decision-making authority at the HKGBC. It sets all major strategies and policies for the HKGBC, including its work plan and budget, and guides the activities of the Secretariat. Nineteen of the Board Members are appointed by the four founding members of the HKGBC and another six are elected by the institutional members. The Board consists of members from various sectors of the building industry.
There are a number of standing committees to oversee various aspects of the HKGBC’s work. The Council may also from time to time set up other working groups to deal with specific issues and may appoint to the committees and groups other relevant persons who are not members of the Board but may contribute to the Council’s work.
Mitigation against Conflict of Interest
To maintain public confidence in the integrity of Board and Committee Members and the impartiality of their advice, the HKGBC adopts a two-tier reporting system. Board and Committee Members are required not only to register their interests with the HKGBC upon their appointment, but also to declare their interests at all meetings in any matter under consideration by the HKGBC.
Accountability and Transparency
To ensure proper governance, a Corporate Governance and Procedural Manual is in place, specifying in detail the Board’s delegation of authority to its standing committees and the Secretariat, to ensure that a comprehensive framework of checks and balances is in place.
To increase the transparency of the HKGBC’s work, the HKGBC publishes and furnishes with the Companies Registry the annual audited financial statements together with the directors’ report which includes a business review on the HKGBC’s activities. Besides, annual Council Report is also presented at the Annual General Meeting. Members of the public are kept abreast of the HKGBC’s affairs through various channels such as press briefing and press releases. This enables the community to have a good understanding of the HKGBC’s initiatives.
Anti-corruption Control
Effective from 15 July 2016, the HKGBC has come under the jurisdiction of the relevant provisions for public bodies under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201). All HKGBC Directors, employees and members of any committees/bodies under the HKGBC which are vested with responsibility for the conduct or management of HKGBC’s affairs are regarded as “public servants” under the Ordinance, who are subject to enhanced anti-corruption control.
For more information regarding corruption prevention advice and services, please visit ICAC's website - "ICAC Corruption Prevention Advisory Service".
Managing Relationship with HKGBC Officials
Any organisation or person shall NOT offer advantage to HKGBC employees, Directors, committee members and other public servants under the HKGBC while having dealings or having the potential of entering into dealings with the HKGBC. Besides, as a general principle, any organisation or person should not offer gift or other advantage to the above HKGBC officials on account of their official duties. The ICAC has published an “Integrity and Corruption Prevention Guide on Managing Relationship with Public Servants” (www.icac.org.hk). The public can refer to this Guide if they wish to know the precautions and best practices in managing relationship with public servants.