Dear GBCs and Partners
Welcome to the August issue of the Global Update.
As COVID-19 related events continue around the world, we sincerely hope this message finds you healthy and well.
2020 marks the beginning of 'the Decade of Climate Action'. It is one of the biggest challenges we face as a generation, and yet the unfolding events of the year demand that we aim for far greater outcomes than ever before.
In this spirit, we are pleased to announce that, after extensive consultation on our North Star Goals, the official launch of our bold, new strategy for our global network, Sustainable Buildings for Everyone, Everywhere, will launch on the 1 September 2020.
Based on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, the strategy sets the vision of the WorldGBC global network for how the built environment can aim for deep transformation around three global sustainability impact areas: climate action, health & wellbeing, and resources & circularity.
These goals will guide us towards a built environment that is healthy for people and offers comfortable homes for all. Towards communities where fuel poverty has been eradicated, and where schools provide education on clean energy generation, a circular economy, and clean air for everyone, everywhere.
I am energised by the readiness of our member GBCs and partners to progress our strategy and confident that it is vital for the systemic change required to transition to net zero, sustainable, healthy and equitable built environments around the globe.
The need for radical collaboration, transformation, regeneration, equity, opportunity, and new jobs, has never been more front of mind.
Keep well, safe and connected.
Best wishes
Cristina Gamboa, CEO, World Green Building Council
Welcome to the August issue of the Global Update.
As COVID-19 related events continue around the world, we sincerely hope this message finds you healthy and well.
2020 marks the beginning of 'the Decade of Climate Action'. It is one of the biggest challenges we face as a generation, and yet the unfolding events of the year demand that we aim for far greater outcomes than ever before.
In this spirit, we are pleased to announce that, after extensive consultation on our North Star Goals, the official launch of our bold, new strategy for our global network, Sustainable Buildings for Everyone, Everywhere, will launch on the 1 September 2020.
Based on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, the strategy sets the vision of the WorldGBC global network for how the built environment can aim for deep transformation around three global sustainability impact areas: climate action, health & wellbeing, and resources & circularity.
These goals will guide us towards a built environment that is healthy for people and offers comfortable homes for all. Towards communities where fuel poverty has been eradicated, and where schools provide education on clean energy generation, a circular economy, and clean air for everyone, everywhere.
I am energised by the readiness of our member GBCs and partners to progress our strategy and confident that it is vital for the systemic change required to transition to net zero, sustainable, healthy and equitable built environments around the globe.
The need for radical collaboration, transformation, regeneration, equity, opportunity, and new jobs, has never been more front of mind.
Keep well, safe and connected.
Best wishes
Cristina Gamboa, CEO, World Green Building Council
This World Green Building Week, we're urging the building sector, policymakers and governments to #ActOnClimate and take bolder action to deliver net zero buildings.
Have you completed the #WGBW2020 checklist?
- Join our Call to Action statement and endorse our message to governments and policymakers
- Download and share the full range of communications resources
- Register your WGBW event on our interactive map
- Suggest an ambassador for your organisation by emailing Rebecca Moir, rmoir@worldgbc.org
- Learn how to use the resources and how others are participating by registering to one of our webinars:
- Wednesday 12 August at 08:00-09:00 (BST) and 16:00-17:00 (BST)
Net-zero building commitments are adding up
Our Advancing Net Zero buildings initiative aims to have every building produce net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. That's every building on the planet.
36 percent of fossil-fuel carbon emissions come from buildings. Although COVID-19 left many buildings unoccupied, lights and air conditioning are still on.
"We can't tackle this problem building by building. We need to tackle this problem at scale by taking action to reduce emissions across a business's entire portfolio” – Victoria Burrows, Director, Advancing Net Zero, WorldGBC
62 businesses, 28 cities and 6 states and regions have signed on to be WorldGBC's leaders in this initiative by committing to make all their buildings net-zero carbon-emitting by 2030 or sooner.
Read the full GreenBiz article.
Global ABC Membership
Since the inception of the Global Alliance for Building and Construction (GlobalABC) in 2015, WorldGBC has participated as a member of this platform on behalf of all of our GBC members.
We have engaged you, our network of members, in COP plans, in contributing to GlobalABC’s annual Global Status Reports, the Regional Roadmaps for Latin America, Africa, and Asia Pacific, and shared GlobalABC resources.
We will continue to engage you in the work of this platform. However, for some GBCs, based on their local context and stakeholder relationships, there may be additional value to engage directly with GlobalABC. We are pleased to share that we have agreed with GlobalABC that any Established GBC that wishes to do so, can join the GlobalABC as a member in addition to their membership through WorldGBC.
If you are interested in applying you can find more information about GlobalABC membership here.
We have engaged you, our network of members, in COP plans, in contributing to GlobalABC’s annual Global Status Reports, the Regional Roadmaps for Latin America, Africa, and Asia Pacific, and shared GlobalABC resources.
We will continue to engage you in the work of this platform. However, for some GBCs, based on their local context and stakeholder relationships, there may be additional value to engage directly with GlobalABC. We are pleased to share that we have agreed with GlobalABC that any Established GBC that wishes to do so, can join the GlobalABC as a member in addition to their membership through WorldGBC.
If you are interested in applying you can find more information about GlobalABC membership here.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to our Director of Membership & Regional Networks, Dominika Czerwinska, dczerwinska@worldgbc.org.
Contributing to the 2020 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction
Every year the GlobalABC — through the support of their members — releases a Global Status Report (GSR) for Buildings and Construction.
If you have content that you would like to feature in this report, please fill in the relevant forms listed below. We encourage you to share this invitation with your members.
Your GBC and your members can contribute in the following ways:
Every year the GlobalABC — through the support of their members — releases a Global Status Report (GSR) for Buildings and Construction.
If you have content that you would like to feature in this report, please fill in the relevant forms listed below. We encourage you to share this invitation with your members.
Your GBC and your members can contribute in the following ways:
- Section templates - develop a report section with contributing co-authors
- Member survey - update on your country/state/city and provide detailed case studies
- Case study submission form - contribute detailed case studies
- Examples submission form - contribute shorter examples
- Knowledge base - submit reports and share links
The extended deadline for submitting content is August 14th.
You can find the 2019 GSR here.
If you have any questions please contact Dominika Czerwinska, dczerwinska@worldgbc.org.
COVID-19 is making healthy buildings mainstream, but will it cost the climate?
Whether you are confronting the impacts of indoor surroundings at home, or returning back to work, COVID-19 has highlighted the need for healthy buildings to #BuildBackBetter.
Read the full article.
WorldGBC's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Tuesday 27 October 2020.
It will be held at the WorldGBC office in London, however, GBCs are invited to join virtually as there are no additional events running in conjunction this year.
Your GBC voting representative — the CEO, or if you do not have a CEO, the Chair — will receive information about the AGM in the coming months.
If you have any questions, please contact Graham Sutton, gsutton@worldgbc.org.
Free Circular Built Environment Resources
Circular economy principles are key to unlocking a more sustainable built environment — but what is it, and how can buildings be circular?
Compiled by our Europe Regional Network team, learn more in our roundup of 15 resources and reports from our GBCs, many available in English.
Read the roundup.
For more information, please contact Stephen Richardson, srichardson@worldgbc.org
Read about the latest news, updates and events from our regional networks:
You can find the 2019 GSR here.
If you have any questions please contact Dominika Czerwinska, dczerwinska@worldgbc.org.
COVID-19 is making healthy buildings mainstream, but will it cost the climate?
Whether you are confronting the impacts of indoor surroundings at home, or returning back to work, COVID-19 has highlighted the need for healthy buildings to #BuildBackBetter.
WorldGBC's global project, Better Places for People, opens a discussion with our expert partners — UL, Siemens and Saint-Gobain — to highlight the growing tensions between environmental and human health priorities and offer solutions to maximising indoor air quality without compromising net zero carbon goals.
Read the full article.
WorldGBC's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Tuesday 27 October 2020.
It will be held at the WorldGBC office in London, however, GBCs are invited to join virtually as there are no additional events running in conjunction this year.
Your GBC voting representative — the CEO, or if you do not have a CEO, the Chair — will receive information about the AGM in the coming months.
If you have any questions, please contact Graham Sutton, gsutton@worldgbc.org.
Free Circular Built Environment Resources
Circular economy principles are key to unlocking a more sustainable built environment — but what is it, and how can buildings be circular?
Compiled by our Europe Regional Network team, learn more in our roundup of 15 resources and reports from our GBCs, many available in English.
Read the roundup.
For more information, please contact Stephen Richardson, srichardson@worldgbc.org
Read about the latest news, updates and events from our regional networks:
Find out what's happening with our global network of Green Building Councils:
- PLGBC share live #PlantaSensor data
- Application deadline for Emirates GBC 2020 MENA Green Building Awards
- Registration is now open for Canada GBC's annual conference - Building Lasting Change 2020
- Register for GBC Australia's 'Introduction to the Green Star for Homes draft standard', 26 August
- Participate in the SGBC Pavilion @ BEX 2020. BEX Asia is the global business sourcing, networking and knowledge-sharing platform for the sustainable built environment in Southeast Asia, 2-3 September, contact karyn_choy@sgbc.sg for more information
- Register for GBC Italia's 'Energy Efficiency' webinar, the first meeting of the 'Green building | Strategies and solutions for sustainable building' seminars, 24-25 September
- University of Cape Town to host 'Responsible Investment' event, 19 August. Register here.
Catch up with our latest news stories:
- WorldGBC launches 'Starting a Renovation Wave report'
- Developed with UKGBC, we released a guidance document for the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment: 'Going beyond direct control'.
- WorldGBC 'Advancing Net Zero Status Report'
- WorldGBC welcomes new Board of Directors