Candidate No. 7 – Ir Victor CHEUNG Chi-kong
Nominated by J. Roger Preston Ltd
Stands for IMG No. 4 – Professional Services Companies or Consultants

Ir Victor CHEUNG is a Director of J. Roger Preston Ltd, a leading building services consultancy established in Hong Kong in 1962. Victor was a founding member of the Professional Green Building Council - one of the HKGBC Founding Members. He has been actively participating in various standing committees of HKGBC, including CMC, IMC, GLC and ISPC, and currently a member of the Green Building Faculty. Victor has been a Director of BEAM Society Ltd since its incorporation in 2010 until 2021, and Chairman of the Steering Committee for the development of BEAM Plus Data Centre. Victor has been heavily involved in the development and mandatory implementation of the Building Energy Code and is Chairman of the Lighting Working Group of the Technical Taskforce. He was a member of the HKSAR Environment Bureau's Energy Advisory Committee from 2012 to 2018. Victor has been practicing as a building services consulting engineer for over 40 years and worked on numerous sustainable / green building projects that attained HKBEAM / BEAM Plus Platinum rating and the prestigious Green Building Award. Victor is Past President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (2014-2015) and Past Chairman of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong (2017-2018). Victor is an elected Director of the HKGBC for 2022-2023 session.