[Press Release] The Hong Kong Green Building Council Launches The HKGBC Retrofitting Guidebook To Lead the Industry in Adopting the Retrofitting Solutions to Existing Buildings for the Goal of Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050
The Hong Kong Green Building Council Launches The “HKGBC Retrofitting Guidebook”
To Lead the Industry in Adopting the Retrofitting Solutions to Existing Buildings
for the Goal of Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050
Download High-resolution Photos: https://bit.ly/3IBAhen
To Lead the Industry in Adopting the Retrofitting Solutions to Existing Buildings
for the Goal of Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050
Download High-resolution Photos: https://bit.ly/3IBAhen
HONG KONG, 10 January 2023 – The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) launches the “HKGBC Retrofitting Guidebook” today at the launching ceremony. The ceremony invited Ir Eric PANG Yiu-hung, JP, Director of the Electrical and Mechanical Services, The Government of the HKSAR as the Guest of Honour, to support and encourage the industry to implement retrofitting for better operation performance in energy efficiency for their existing building stocks. Representatives from the building industry including developers, property management companies, the government and representatives from various sectors also shared their successful experience in conducting retrofitting projects.
To expedite low-carbon transformation of Hong Kong and even the world, the HKGBC proactively supports the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC)’s initiatives and closely works with green building councils in other regions. At the ceremony, the HKGBC also announced that the “HKGBC Retrofitting Guidebook” would be released in over 70 regions by local green building councils. It is anticipated that retrofitting concepts can be further promoted around the globe.
Ir Eric PANG Yiu-hung, JP, Director of the Electrical and Mechanical Services, The Government of the HKSAR, said, “Showcasing successful experience and case studies of retrofitting projects, the ‘HKGBC Retrofitting Guidebook’ is an invaluable reference tool for the industry.”
Mr Donald CHOI, JP, Director cum Industry Standards and Practices Committee (ISPC) Chairman of the HKGBC, remarked, “Since 2016, ISPC has been working closely with the Government on the promotion of retro-commissioning (RCx). To further our expertise on enhancing building energy efficiency, our committee has indicated the development of this Retrofitting Guidebook, which captures and provides the retrofitting solutions and case studies for readers to have a comprehensive understanding on retrofitting. We believe that the project can help industry to advance their knowledge in retrofitting. Let’s construct a green society together!”
Ir Dr Cary CHAN, JP, Executive Director of the HKGBC, said, “The objective of this Retrofitting Guidebook is to promote and facilitate the industry to implement retrofitting. This is intended to be a living document which will be updated from time to time, with the latest best practices and technology advancements. To mainstream retrofitting in Hong Kong’s decarbonisation roadmap, the HKGBC will announcement more projects and events in due course such as webinars and conferences, competitions, pilot projects for trying out novel and smart retrofitting technologies. As the Chair of WorldGBC Asia Pacific Regional Network, I’m pleased to see our Guidebook will also be released to the whole world as it signifies Hong Kong’s leading position in driving the development of the sustainable built environment in the global arena.”
Buildings related activities in Hong Kong account for around 90% of total electricity consumption and over 60% of total carbon emissions. In addition, existing buildings take up a very large proportion of local current building stock; it offers massive potential for energy savings. Mainstreaming retrofitting is therefore one of the key focuses of the HKGBC’s target in advancing net zero ambition. The HKGBC Retrofitting Guidebook is a timely publication providing strategies for retrofitting with a view to optimising the performance of existing buildings. It presents various retrofitting options and considerations with case studies for the industry’s reference. Other resources such as available funds in the market are also demonstrated to help facilitating building owners to perform retrofitting works in their buildings.
As introduced by Ir Victor CHEUNG, Director cum Retrofitting Expert Group Convenor of the HKGBC at the ceremony, the Guidebook has presented the retrofitting strategies in 10 key themes, including Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning – Water-side and Air-side, Lighting, Electricity Distribution System, Lift & Escalator, Smart Control Systems, Server Room / Data Centre, Carpark, Heating, and Building Envelop. Costs and benefits of the retrofitting strategies are also demonstrated through case studies.
For more details of the HKGBC Retrofitting Guidebook, please refer to https://bit.ly/3QuyQQF.
To expedite low-carbon transformation of Hong Kong and even the world, the HKGBC proactively supports the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC)’s initiatives and closely works with green building councils in other regions. At the ceremony, the HKGBC also announced that the “HKGBC Retrofitting Guidebook” would be released in over 70 regions by local green building councils. It is anticipated that retrofitting concepts can be further promoted around the globe.
Ir Eric PANG Yiu-hung, JP, Director of the Electrical and Mechanical Services, The Government of the HKSAR, said, “Showcasing successful experience and case studies of retrofitting projects, the ‘HKGBC Retrofitting Guidebook’ is an invaluable reference tool for the industry.”
Mr Donald CHOI, JP, Director cum Industry Standards and Practices Committee (ISPC) Chairman of the HKGBC, remarked, “Since 2016, ISPC has been working closely with the Government on the promotion of retro-commissioning (RCx). To further our expertise on enhancing building energy efficiency, our committee has indicated the development of this Retrofitting Guidebook, which captures and provides the retrofitting solutions and case studies for readers to have a comprehensive understanding on retrofitting. We believe that the project can help industry to advance their knowledge in retrofitting. Let’s construct a green society together!”
Ir Dr Cary CHAN, JP, Executive Director of the HKGBC, said, “The objective of this Retrofitting Guidebook is to promote and facilitate the industry to implement retrofitting. This is intended to be a living document which will be updated from time to time, with the latest best practices and technology advancements. To mainstream retrofitting in Hong Kong’s decarbonisation roadmap, the HKGBC will announcement more projects and events in due course such as webinars and conferences, competitions, pilot projects for trying out novel and smart retrofitting technologies. As the Chair of WorldGBC Asia Pacific Regional Network, I’m pleased to see our Guidebook will also be released to the whole world as it signifies Hong Kong’s leading position in driving the development of the sustainable built environment in the global arena.”
Buildings related activities in Hong Kong account for around 90% of total electricity consumption and over 60% of total carbon emissions. In addition, existing buildings take up a very large proportion of local current building stock; it offers massive potential for energy savings. Mainstreaming retrofitting is therefore one of the key focuses of the HKGBC’s target in advancing net zero ambition. The HKGBC Retrofitting Guidebook is a timely publication providing strategies for retrofitting with a view to optimising the performance of existing buildings. It presents various retrofitting options and considerations with case studies for the industry’s reference. Other resources such as available funds in the market are also demonstrated to help facilitating building owners to perform retrofitting works in their buildings.
As introduced by Ir Victor CHEUNG, Director cum Retrofitting Expert Group Convenor of the HKGBC at the ceremony, the Guidebook has presented the retrofitting strategies in 10 key themes, including Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning – Water-side and Air-side, Lighting, Electricity Distribution System, Lift & Escalator, Smart Control Systems, Server Room / Data Centre, Carpark, Heating, and Building Envelop. Costs and benefits of the retrofitting strategies are also demonstrated through case studies.
For more details of the HKGBC Retrofitting Guidebook, please refer to https://bit.ly/3QuyQQF.

The HKGBC Retrofitting Guidebook was officially launched today and honoured to have invited Ir Eric PANG Yiu-hung, JP, Director of the Electrical and Mechanical Services, The Government of the HKSAR (third right), Dr CHEUNG Tin-cheung, SBS, Chairman of the HKGBC (third left), Ir Barry CHU Kei-ming, Assistant Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services / Electricity and Energy Efficiency (second left), The Government of the HKSAR, Mr Donald CHOI, JP, Director cum Industry Standards and Practices Committee (ISPC) Chairman of the HKGBC (second right) and Ir Dr Cary CHAN, JP, Executive Director of the HKGBC (first right), Ir Victor CHEUNG, Director cum Retrofitting Expert Group Convenor of the HKGBC (first left), joining the launching ceremony.
About the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC)
The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) is a non-profit, member-led organisation established in 2009 and has become a public body under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance since 2016. The HKGBC strives to promote the standard and development of sustainable buildings in Hong Kong. The HKGBC also aims to raise green building awareness by engaging the government, the industry and the public, and to develop practical solutions for Hong Kong’s unique, subtropical built environment of high-rise, high density urban area, leading Hong Kong to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and to become a world’s exemplar of green building development. The Founding Members of the HKGBC include the Construction Industry Council (CIC), the Business Environment Council (BEC), the BEAM Society Limited (BSL) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC).
To learn more about the HKGBC, please visit www.hkgbc.org.hk.
For media enquiries, please contact:
Locus Communications Limited Claudia LO Phone: (852) 9560 1518 / 9505 0517 Email:claudialo@locuscomm.com |
Grace NG Phone: (852) 9842 7022 Email:graceng@locuscomm.com |
Hong Kong Green Building Council Head of Marketing Heidi HUI Phone: (852) 3994 8833 Email:heidi.hui@hkgbc.org.hk |
Senior Marketing & PR Executive Venus DOON Phone: (852) 3994 8829 Email:venus.doon@hkgbc.org.hk |