[Press Release] Green Building Award 2021 Award Presentation Shaping Liveability and Excellence in the Sustainable Built Environment

Green Building Award 2021 Award Presentation
Shaping Liveability and Excellence in the Sustainable Built Environment
Hit a record high of 100 nominations, up 12% compared with the last edition
HONG KONG, 28 April 2022 – Winners of the Green Building Award 2021 (GBA 2021) were announced at the real-time virtual award presentation ceremony hosted today. Co-organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC), this biennale award is one of the highest accolades in Hong Kong recognising the concerted effort and commitment of the industry in sustainable built environment. The Green Building Award, in its 8th edition, invited Mr Michael WONG Wai-lun, JP, Secretary for Development, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region cum Honorary Advisor of GBA 2021 Jury Panel as the Guest of Honour, together with Special VIP Guest Mr WONG Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to recognise the excellence and commend the contribution made by pioneering leaders in the building industry including developers, construction companies, consultants, property management companies, the government and representatives from various sector involved in the whole building life cycle. The ceremony was well attended by over 700 participants and guests from Hong Kong and abroad to celebrate with the Award Winners.
Themed ‘Shaping Liveability • Excellence in Sustainable Built Environment’, Green Building Award 2021 received overwhelming responses from the industry with a record-breaking number of 100 nominations, a 12% increase as compared with the last edition. 80 of them became the Finalists to compete for the Awards in New Buildings Category, Existing Buildings Category, Research & Planning Category, Building Products & Technologies Category, as well as Green Building Leadership Category. 4 Green Building Leadership Pioneer Awards, 10 Grand Awards and 23 Merit Awards were presented to private and public sectors which were selected by a Jury Panel comprising of a broad base of 32 renowned industry experts and academia from local and overseas. In addition, 6 projects were accredited with a Special Citation as they were deemed to have achieved the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and positively contribute to the development of a sustainable built environment.
Mr Franklin YU, Chairman of the GBA 2021 Organising Committee, said, “This year’s theme aims to encourage industry practitioners to go beyond the conventional practice, stretch their boundaries in advancing sustainability throughout a building’s life-cycle, and accelerate Hong Kong’s development into a more liveable city. We are grateful for the tremendous support and dedication to sustainability from the industry. All award Winners have demonstrated peerless professionalism, flawless execution and tireless dedication in shaping a more liveable future. My heartfelt thanks also go to the Jury Panel, Sponsors, members of the GBA 2021 Organising Committee and Scientific Committee for their commitment and dedication.”
Mr Michael WONG Wai-lun, JP, Secretary for Development, The Government of the HKSAR said,” I am very pleased to see that there has been a very good response this year. A record breaking number of 100 nominations have been received from different sectors of the industry, of which 80 have been shortlisted as Finalists. I also proudly note the keen participation from the Government. We have contributed 16 Finalists this year, and this goes to demonstrate the very strong commitment of the Government towards green building practices.”
Mr WONG Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment, The Government of the HKSAR shared a congratulations message at the ceremony, saying, “I am pleased to see the Green Building Award going from strength to strength. My appreciation and congratulations go to the Winners and the Finalists. The Award serves as a catalyst for accelerating and advancing the green building movement in HK, and to meet our green building goals. Meeting the zero-carbon goal requires concerted and accelerated efforts, and I earnestly invite all stakeholders to support the “6As”, i.e. Award, Assessment, Accreditation, Advocacy, Acceleration and Advancing Net Zero.”
Mr CHEUNG Hau-wai, SBS, Chairman of the HKGBC, remarked, “I am pleased that we can at last meet virtually in the ceremony and would like to offer my congratulations to all GBA 2021 Winners. They all have demonstrated the highest level of skills and professionalism and have also given us the inspiration to work together towards the goal of achieving carbon neutrality in 2050. With this goal, HKGBC will focus on exploring various measures and finding ways to mobilise the use of green finance in the industry. Together we shall work closely to reach carbon neutrality and to build a sustainable and healthy city.”
Mr Joel CHAN Cho-sing, Chairman of the PGBC, said, “Stepping into PGBC’s 20th anniversary, the Green Building Award, now in its 8th edition, is becoming more and more impactful in the building industry and embracing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. I would like to congratulate all the GBA 2021 winners for your creative and innovative solutions in driving sustainability and helping us to accomplish the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
Moving forward, the Green Building Award had launched the “GBA Elite” to recognise the Winners of Pioneer Award in Green Building Leadership since 2019. These organisations are all revolutionary pioneers in driving the development of the sustainable built environment in Hong Kong. Moreover, the awardees of GBA 2021 will also have the opportunities to further compete for the World Green Building Council Asia Pacific Leadership in Green Building Awards, which is absolutely valuable to further promote the excellence of Hong Kong’s development to the regional arena. It is believed that chances like that can encourage communications and collaborations across industries and regions for building a sustainable and net-zero future for our next generations.

The Green Building Award 2021 was honoured to have Mr Michael WONG Wai-lun, JP, Secretary for Development, the Government of the HKSAR (top right), Mr WONG Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment, the Government of the HKSAR (bottom left), Mr Franklin YU, Chairman of GBA 2021 Organising Committee (top left), Mr CHEUNG Hau-wai, SBS, Chairman of the HKGBC (bottom middle), and Mr Joel CHAN, Chairman of the PGBC (bottom right) joining the first-ever virtual award presentation ceremony as our officiating guests and sharing with us their visions on the green building development in Hong Kong.
Winners of Pioneer Award (for Green Building Leadership), Grand Award (for projects) and Special Citation of Green Building Award 2021 are listed in the table below.

About the Green Building Award and Organisers
Green Building Award 2021 (GBA 2021)
To learn more about Green Building Award 2021, please visit www.gba.org.hk.
About the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC)
To learn more about the HKGBC, please visit www.hkgbc.org.hk.
About the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC)
Green Building Award 2021 (GBA 2021)
The biennial Green Building Award is jointly organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC) since 2010 and inaugurated by PGBC in 2006. The Award aims to recognise nominations which go beyond the conventional practice, stretch their boundaries in advancing sustainability, and are capable of inspiring the next generation on how our future built environment could be.
To learn more about Green Building Award 2021, please visit www.gba.org.hk.
About the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC)
The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) is a non-profit, member-led organisation established in 2009 and has become a public body under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance since 2016. The HKGBC strives to promote the standard and development of sustainable buildings in Hong Kong. The HKGBC also aims to raise green building awareness by engaging the government, the industry and the public, and to develop practical solutions for Hong Kong’s unique, subtropical built environment of high-rise, high density urban area, leading Hong Kong to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and to become a world’s exemplar of green building development. The Founding Members of the HKGBC include the Construction Industry Council (CIC), the Business Environment Council (BEC), the BEAM Society Limited (BSL) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC).
To learn more about the HKGBC, please visit www.hkgbc.org.hk.
About the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC)
The Professional Green Building Council (PGBC) was formed in 2002 by the Founding Members including The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA), The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects (HKILA) and The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS). The Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) joined the PGBC in 2005. The PGBC is a non-profit-making institute with the mission and vision to promote a better sustainable built environment through joint professional participation and collaboration.
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For media enquiries, please contact:
Locus Communications Limited Claudia LO Phone: (852) 9560 1518 / 9505 0517 Email:claudialo@locuscomm.com |
Grace NG Phone: (852) 9842 7022 Email:graceng@locuscomm.com |
Hong Kong Green Building Council Marketing & PR Manager Lucy SO Phone: (852) 3994 8832 Email:lucy.so@hkgbc.org.hk |
Senior Marketing & PR Executive Venus DOON Phone: (852) 3994 8829 Email:venus.doon@hkgbc.org.hk |