The World Sustainable Built Environment 2017 Hong Kong is bringing together 1,800 experts from 55+ countries from 5 to 7 June.
At this most influential green building mega event, our Platinum Sponsor, Swire Properties, will share their latest initiatives, projects and showcase their Hong Kong’s leading role in driving the sustainable built environment.
1. Platinum Sponsor's Sharing - 6 June 11:50-12:00
Come and hear directly from Ir Dr Raymond Yau, General Manager of Technical Services & Sustainable Development on the topic "Creative Transformation".
Dr Yau will share Swire Properties' response to global sustainability and climatic risks and how it resonates with the conference theme to drive innovation and integration for a more sustainable environment. It showcases how creative transformation forms the core value of Sustainable Development 2030 Strategy.
2. Session 2.7 Deep Energy Saving and Other Innovative Green Measures for Commercial Buildings in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Overseas
– 5 June 16:30-18:00 (S224 & 225 Level 2)
Electricity use in building remains the largest source of local carbon emission in Hong Kong, accounting up to 63% of the total emission. With Gross Floor Area of 27.2 million square feet, Swire Properties recognises the potential significant contribution it can make to our climate. It starts its energy saving journey as early as 2001 with firm determination, clear vision, professional knowledge, researches and use of design tools. It strives to achieve the committed targets at the outset through concerted efforts of the whole team at both design and operational stages.
In this parallel session, Swire Properties will deep dive into the long-term energy saving strategy and practice, ranging from high-level management system to day-to-day data analysis over building services systems in Hong Kong and mainland China. Besides, their ten-year collaboration with Tsinghau University contributes to various s
uccessful energy efficient case study will be shared. The knowledge accumulated also join together with advanced technology and best practices brought up by top-tier consultancy firm to implement in our new building. These will also be demonstrated by another case study in Japan. Going beyond energy efficiency, the total package of
‘multiple benefits’ derived from green sustainable building will also be discussed.
3. Session 4.7 The Secret Ingredients of Sustainable Real Estate Development
- 6 June 16:30-18:00 (S224 & 225 Level 2)
What constitutes a sustainable built environment? And how do the myriad of stakeholders involved contribute and collaborate to this objective? Beyond high performance buildings, engagement and collaboration with building users, the community, and other parties are essential to making and keeping sustainable places. This session will establish a platform with experts from a range of disciplines to discuss:
- The environmental, social, and economic factors that make up a sustainable built environment
- The role of impact measurement and data transparency in supporting sustainable real estate development
- The complexities of managing climate change in real estate
With the aim of bringing a broader view to the management requirements for a sustainable built environment, this session aims to the support the conference theme of “Putting Ideas into Action”.
4. Exhibition Booth no.12-13 – 5 to 7 June
Learn more about Swire Properties’ visionary
Sustainable Development 2030 Strategy at WSBE17 Hong Kong Exhibition. Find out in the cutting edge sustainable features and concept in
Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu, Brickell City Centre in Miami and Taikoo Place re-development in Hong Kong. What’s more?
The project model of Taikoo Place re-development will be showcased to demonstrate their leading roles in the sustainable built environment!
Visit Swire Properties’ booth no.12-13!
Register NOW to hear the insightful presentations from 450+ Speakers at WSBE17 Hong Kong and meet 1,800 experts from 55+ countries!
For Full Conference Programme, please click