World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong
Registration is Now OPEN!
Co-organised by the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the HKGBC, the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong (WSBE17 Hong Kong) is now open for registration.
As the first-ever world conference of SBE Series held in Hong Kong, WSBE17 Hong Kong converges top findings from 20 Regional Conferences held in various parts of the world in 2016, connecting business professionals and academia to present their cutting-edge findings from 50 countries, and involving the leading international organisations to drive vibrant discussions on climate change and sustainable development.
Register NOW and meet 1,800 international industry experts. You will...
- Keep Abreast with the Latest Policies and Initiatives in Sustainable Built Environment
Hear directly from distinguished industry leaders on the latest policy, standards and other sustainability initiatives in Keynotes and Roundtable Sessions
- Be part of the Thought-provoking Discussions in the Session on Climate Change and Sustainable Development led by United Nation Environmental Programme (UNEP)
Exchange ideas with global leaders to explore the challenges and opportunities from different countries in mitigating Climate Change and achieving Sustainable Development
- Experience the Synergies of Global and Regional conferences in SBE Series
WSBE17 Hong Kong is a convergence of top ideas and discussions from 20 Regional Conferences in 2016
- Gain Inspirational and Global Insights
With over 400 Speakers presenting in 100 Parallel Sessions and Regional Forums, WSBE17 Hong Kong provides an optimal mix of practice-oriented and academic research from 50 countries and cities
- Enjoy Extensive Networking Opportunities
WSBE17 Hong Kong offers extensive networking opportunities for you to meet and exchange ideas with industry experts at Exhibition, Welcome Reception, Business Matching, Networking Luncheon and Gala Dinner throughout the 3-day conference
- Discover New Ideas for Tomorrow’s Challenges
Visit our exhibitors to learn the latest products and solutions at WSBE17 Hong Kong Exhibition
Early Bird Rate at HK$4,800 for 3-day Conference & Exhibition
(including Day 1 Networking Luncheon, Coffee Breaks, Conference Kit)
Exhibition and Sponsorship Opportunities
WSBE17 Hong Kong provides a range of benefits and raises your profile to potential clients, decision makers and key players in the global green building community.
To view our Exhibition and Sponsorship Packages, please click here.
Contact the WSBE17 Hong Kong Secretariat at sponsor@wsbe17hongkong.hk or +852 3468 7172 for any enquiries.
We look forward to welcoming you at the WSBE17 Hong Kong!
For more details, please visit our Conference website.