[Press Release] “My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools 2015 Award Presentation Ceremony cum Exhibition
Students’ Creativity towards Green Neighbourhood
Hong Kong, 21 May 2016 – The 2016 Policy Address announced the establishment of inter-departmental Steering Committee on Climate Change to steer and co-ordinate the implementation work of different departments in response to climate changes, with a target to reduce 50-60% carbon intensity by 2020, using 2005 as the base level. Students who participated in “My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools 2015 organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council also followed the footsteps of carbon reduction by designing a range of sustainable green spaces that incorporated the concepts of environmental protection, waste and carbon reduction, and other green elements. To honour the winners for their outstanding performance and creativity, the HKGBC organised an Award Presentation Ceremony at Plaza Hollywood in Diamond Hill today. This year, Ms Anissa WONG Sean-yee, JP, Director of Environmental Protection, Environmental Protection Department, was invited to be the officiating guest of the ceremony to present the awards to the winners.
The themes of the fifth “My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools were Green Educational Facilities and Green Neighbourhood for Primary and Secondary Divisions respectively. This year’s competition had a record-high entry rate of 55 schools with around 400 students submitting a total of 142 entries.
Ms Anissa WONG Sean-yee, JP, Director of Environmental Protection, Environmental Protection Department said at the Award Presentation Ceremony, “Environmental protection is an important foundation for maintaining the sustainable development of the neighbourhood. The success of environmental protection work relies on the co-operation of every citizen. The younger generation is the future pillar of society and they bear the mission of Hong Kong’s future development. Green buildings make up a significant part of sustainable development. Therefore, promoting the knowledge and concept of green buildings to the younger generation is an indispensable task." She wished HKGBC could take this role in educating them.
Mr CHEUNG Hau-wai, SBS, Chairman of the HKGBC stated, “If the participating students can apply what they have learned from the Competition in their daily life and take part in promoting green building and green lifestyle to people around, they can join forces to protect the environment and bring the green building concept to the community.”
Sr Bay WONG, HKGBC Director, Task Force Chairman and the Judging Panel Chairman of Secondary Divisions of the HKGBC “My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools 2015 had very high opinions of the entries this year, “The entries are very comprehensive this year. It is observable that the students have taken great efforts in doing long-term research for the Competition. Apart from demonstrating environmental protection concepts, some of the participating students considered the involvement of citizens, in which their meticulousness and thoroughness are really admired by the judges.”
The Champion of the Junior Primary Division LEE Kai-lok and LEE Wang-lok submitted a 3D model named “Castle of Wind Environmental Education Centre” together. The model of the integrated education centre comprises the main education and exhibition block, hostel, low-carbon restaurant, organic greenhouse, fish pond, local farm and other structures that have incorporated a full range of green concepts and elements. The judging panel thinks that the design of this winning entry is very thoughtful and practical, with a high level of feasibility and completeness to be applied in real life.
The Champion of the Senior Primary Division is WONG Cho-yeung. His submission “Aquaponics Museum” demonstrates various innovative ideas, such as tilted roof, winnow-basket-like rainwater collection system, sun tracking photovoltaic system, and so on. The judging panel highly commends the entry on its originality, outstanding construction design and utilisation of different recycled materials. In view of the appearance and standards, the winning entry is more outstanding than others in the same division. The judges have also recognised the student’s ability to analyse and compare collected data. The entry also shows that the student has practically considered the actual execution of the entry in Hong Kong, which further proves the student’s in-depth knowledge on green technology.
CHUNG Sen-yu and HUNG Ying-kit won the Champion of the Junior Secondary Division with their green building proposal “Green Paradise in Kwai Chung”. The suggestion to redesign the abandoned Kwai Chung Park into a green community can provide a leisure activity hub for local residents and a place for them to acquire correct environmental knowledge. The judging panel applauds the students, who are studying in Kwai Chung District, personally asked for opinions from the local residents in order to strengthen the feasibility of the proposal. They have even emailed to government bureau for related information. Their devotion in the Competition has deeply impressed the judging panel.
The Champion of the Senior Secondary Division goes to SUEN Ga-chun, whose 3D model “Waterfront Community–Lung Kwu Tan Reclamation Area” is centred from the Lung Kwu Tan reclamation area. The planning of the whole area features residential developments with different facilities to achieve energy conservation. The judging panel is deeply impressed because the student has considered the hardware, software and many other social factors in his entry. Apart from technological and green issues, the student has also thought about social sustainability issues like rich-poor disparity.
The exhibition of “My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools 2015 will take place from 20-22 May 2016 at Stars Atrium, 1/F, Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill, to display the winning entries of the Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up and 5 merit awards for each division. Through the 3-day exhibition, general public can understand the younger generation’s ideas on green buildings, become more aware of environmental protection issues, and join hands to promote the development of green buildings in Hong Kong.
“My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools 2015 was sponsored by Environment and Conservation Fund and Environmental Campaign Committee. The Competition also received support from various government bureaus, educational institutions, professional groups and social welfare organisations, including Education Bureau, Environmental Protection Department, City University of Hong Kong, Education Convergence, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics, Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, St. James’ Settlement, Subsidized Primary Schools Council, The Hong Kong Institute of Architects, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The University of Hong Kong. Thanks to the support of all the parties, the competition was a success.
For details of the Competition, please visit: https://www.hkgbc.org.hk/eng/engagement/public-initiatives/green-school/index.jsp.
About the Hong Kong Green Building Council
The Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited (HKGBC) is a non-profit, member led organisation established in 2009 with the vision to help save the planet and improve the wellbeing of the people of Hong Kong by transforming the city into a greener built environment. The Founding Members of HKGBC include the Construction Industry Council (CIC), the Business Environment Council (BEC), the BEAM Society Limited (BSL) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC). Its mission is to lead market transformation by advocating green policies to the Government; introducing green building practices to all stakeholders; setting design, construction and management standards for the building profession; and promoting green living to the people of Hong Kong.
To learn more about the HKGBC, please visit www.hkgbc.org.hk.
This Press Release is distributed by Joyous Communications on behalf of the Hong Kong Green Building Council.
For media enquiry, please contact
For media enquiry, please contact
Claudia Lo / Iris Sin Joyous Communications Tel: +852 2560 8551 / +852 2560 8669 Email: claudialo@joyoushk.com / irissin@joyoushk.com |
Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/any event organized under this Project do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Environment and Conservation Fund or Environmental Campaign Committee.
Photo Captions
Photo Captions

(Photo 1) The HKGBC has invited Ms Anissa WONG Sean-yee, JP, Director of Environmental Protection, Environmental Protection Department to be the officiating guest of the Award Presentation Ceremony cum Exhibition of “My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools 2015.

(Photo 2) Mr CHEUNG Hau-wai, SBS, Chairman of the HKGBC delivered the welcome speech at the Award Presentation Ceremony, inviting the public to support the development of green buildings in Hong Kong together.

(Photo 3) Sr Bay WONG, HKGBC Director, Task Force Chairman and the Judging Panel Chairman of Secondary Divisions of the HKGBC “My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools 2015 had high opinions of the entries this year, and expressed that the green buildings designed by the students are very comprehensive.

(Photo 4) Group photos of Ms Anissa WONG Sean-yee, JP, Director of Environmental Protection, Environmental Protection Department; Mr CHEUNG Hau-wai, SBS, Chairman of the HKGBC; Ms Mary CHAN, HKGBC Director and Chairman of Public Education Committee; Sr Bay WONG, HKGBC Director, Task Force Chairman and the Judging Panel Chairman of Secondary Divisions of the Competition; Members of Public Education Committee, Task Force and Judging Panel of the Competition; Supporting Organisation representatives, with the winners of the Competition.

(Photo 5) The awardees introduced their winning entries to the guests and shared their inspirations, concepts and experiences in the Competition.

(Photo 6) The HKGBC will organise the exhibition of “My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools 2015 from 20 May to 22 May at Stars Atrium, 1/F, Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill to display all winning entries, including 3D models, proposals and drawings of different green buildings.