10 May 2016
Submit your abstract NOW
31 May 2016 | Deadline for abstract submission - No more than 300 words in English Submit your abstract NOW! |
5 August 2016 | Notification of abstract acceptance |
30 September 2016 | Deadline for full paper submission |
15 November 2016 | Reviewers' feedback to authors |
30 November 2016 | Final submission deadline
- All papers will be published in e-proceedings with an ISBN
- Selected papers may be considered for publication in the special issues of international journals partnered with WSBE17 Hong Kong |
31 December 2016 | Notification of full paper acceptance
- Accepted papers will be presented in either oral or poster
sessions |
Jointly organised by the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the HKGBC, the three-day conference of WSBE17 Hong Kong will comprise inspirational keynotes, roundtables and over 100 parallel sessions and special forums, as well as a concurrent exhibition and green building tours, etc. Furthermore, best papers and findings from around 20 SBE Regional Conferences to be held in 2016 in different cities in the world will be covered at this global event.
More details are coming soon. Please stay tuned to our updates by e-news and on our Conference website: http://wsbe17hongkong.hk.
![]() Click here to download the conference flyer and learn more about WSBE17 Hong Kong.