19 Nov 2015
Save the Date!
World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong
Save the Date!
Held on a three-year cycle, the SBE conference series is considered to be the most pre-eminent international conference series on sustainable building and construction in the world. Being selected as the host of this World Conference is not only a significant milestone for the CIC and HKGBC, but also a profound international recognition of Hong Kong’s passion and leadership role in driving the global green building movement.
Theme of the Conference is “Transforming our Built Environment through Innovation and Integration: Putting Ideas into Actions”. Innovation brings forward new ideas, theories and approaches. Integration examines inter-dependencies of systems and formulates effective actions. WSBE17 Hong Kong therefore is going to be “action-focused”, and is expecting to receive 1,800 green building experts including advocates, policy-makers, academics, industry practitioners and students from all over the world. It will also converge the best papers and findings from around 20 SBE Regional Conferences to be held in 2016 in different cities in the world.
WSBE17 Hong Kong:
- Three full-day Conference with eminent speakers and top papers from the world
- Green Building Tours in Hong Kong and Mainland China
- Exhibition concurrent with the Conference
- International Youth Competition
- Immense Networking & Branding Opportunities
You are also welcome to forward this e-news to your connections and invite them to join our mailing list to receive the latest conference updates.
For any enquiries pertaining to WSBE17 Hong Kong, please contact the Conference Secretariat at wsbe17@wsbe17hongkong.hk.
We look forward to working with you in making the WSBE17 Hong Kong a great success!