16 Oct 2023

CPD Event (Rescheduled) - From Concept to Practical Application: Exploring Cutting-Edge Lighting Innovations for Net-Zero City

Registration starts at 11:00am on 21 Sep 2023 (Thursday)

Due to the extreme conditions of the black rainstorm signal on 8 Sep 2023, this physical seminar has been rescheduled to 16 Oct 2023 at 3:30pm.

Limited seats available on a first-come first-served basis.

The seminar recording will be available at HKGBC CPD Online Training Portal (https://onlinecpdtraining.hkgbc.org.hk/) later after the event.

This seminar is jointly organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council and SPL Lighting.

In line with Hong Kong's ambitious 2050 carbon neutrality target, the implementation of sustainable lighting solutions takes centre stage. Reducing carbon emissions in both new and existing buildings is a crucial step towards achieving zero-carbon readiness. Specifically, the adoption of sustainable practices in the realm of lighting, including lamp source replacement and optimised management systems, presents significant energy-saving opportunities for commercial and industrial buildings. By embracing these measures, Hong Kong can make a meaningful contribution to reducing CO2 emissions and forging a greener, more sustainable future that aligns with national and global environmental objectives.

Discover the forefront of lighting solutions at our captivating seminar, designed to showcase the latest advancements and sustainable indicators in the industry. Experience an insightful comparison between the esteemed BEAM Plus and common European Union (EU) framework of sustainable building indicators in lighting and visual comfort, unveiling the potential enhancements of the current BEAM Plus approach. Delve into the transformative capabilities of Dali 2 - D4i, a ground-breaking innovation enabling real-time data conveyance, revolutionising the way we interact with lighting systems. Moreover, be inspired by compelling case studies, unveiling the tangible benefits and implications of advanced lighting management systems. Additionally, witness the AI-powered Power over the Ethernet (PoE) lighting that automates energy savings, taking efficiency to unprecedented heights. Finally, be amazed by a captivating showcase of the IoT light backbone, demonstrating seamless integration between lights and various PoE devices, optimising material utilisation for superior performance.

The seminar will address the following topic related to sustainable lighting solutions:

1. Comparison between BEAM Plus and EU framework of sustainable building indicators in lighting and visual comfort

2. Solar lighting innovations – case study on energy savings through an innovative landscape lighting management system

3. Connected lighting systems – applications of real-time data in advanced control system through DALI-2 and D4i

4. AI-powered IoT lighting, PoE light backbone and simplified digital infrastructure

Seminar details:

1.   Comparison of sustainable lighting indicators (by Ir Dr Eddy LAU) 

      a. BEAM Plus New Buildings v2.0 

      b.  Common EU framework in lighting and visual comfort

2.   Landscape solar lighting management system - Kowloon Hospital (by Mr Timothy CHAN)

      a. All-in-one solar lighting control and monitoring solution

      b. Scene scheduling through the system

      c. Centralised monitoring of all outdoor solar lights

      d. Easy maintenance through GIS map and thorough notifications

      e. Simplify data generation for further reporting and adjustment

3.    DALI-2 to D4i and indoor lighting management (by Mr Timothy CHAN)

      a. DALI-2 to D4i: The transformation and conveyance of real-time data.

      b. Indoor lighting management case studies - EMSD Hospital 

            1.     Intuitive user interface 

            2.     Enhanced maintenance efficiency 

            3.     Expandable for future plans 

            4.     Easy management for operators

            5.     Centralised building monitoring 

            6.     Instant defect alerts

            7.     Predictive lifespan

            8.     Real-time emergency battery monitoring

            9.     Multi-site monitoring

            10.   Real-time data transfer for AI-enabled optimisation

            11.   Human-centric lighting

4.  AI and digital infrastructure (by Mr Michael CHAN)

      a. AI in lighting

            1.     Fault detection diagnosis

            2.     Energy optimisation

            3.     ESG reporting

            4.     Data management

            5.     AI & machine learning

            6.     Use AI to optimise energy saving automatically

            7.     Save maintenance cost

      b. Simplify digital infrastructure by lighting

            1.     Connectivity of different POE devices in lighting 

            2.     Application and benefits

5. Product demonstration: The participants will have a chance to view SPL’s innovative products during the break

Don't miss out on this enlightening seminar! Register now to secure your place.


1. Ir Dr Eddy LAU, Head of Green Labelling, Hong Kong Green Building Council

2. Mr Timothy CHAN, Product Manager (Lighting Management Systems), Prosperity Group

3. Mr Michael CHAN, Assistant General Manager, SPL Lighting

Language: Cantonese (Materials in English)

Event Detail
Event Name: CPD Event (Rescheduled) - From Concept to Practical Application: Exploring Cutting-Edge Lighting Innovations for Net-Zero City
Presented By:

Ir Dr Eddy LAU, Mr Timothy CHAN and Mr Michael CHAN

Date: 16 Oct 2023
Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Theatre 2, 1/F Hong Kong Productivity Council Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon

Capacity: 107

2 CPD hours will be automatically uploaded to attendees' BEAM Pro/ BEAM Affiliate Individual Accounts.

Fee: Free of Charge (HKGBC Members)
Free of Charge (Non-HKGBC members)
Contact Person: Mr Leo CHENG
Contact Phone: 39948842
Contact Email: eventregis@hkgbc.org.hk
3:30pm - 4:15pm Talk by Ir Dr Eddy LAU and Mr Timothy CHAN
4:15pm - 4:30pm Break and Demonstration
4:30pm - 5:15pm Talk by Mr Timothy CHAN and Mr Michael CHAN
5:15pm - 5:30pm Q & A Session
Language: Cantonese (Materials in English)

Guide for Online Payment

Enjoy Member Price with Your BEAM Pro/ BEAM Affiliate Credential Now!


  1. For BEAM Pro / BEAM Affiliate: Once you entered the valid BEAM Pro / BEAM Affiliate number during registration, member price will be entitled. Please register by clicking "Register (for BEAM Pro / BEAM Affiliate or non-member)".
  2. Seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Upon submission through this Online Registration Form, a seat is reserved for you. 
  3. Waiting List – Kindly inquire by email at eventregis@hkgbc.org.hk and we will contact you if a seat becomes available.
  4. No Show / Cancellation – Cancellation must be made by email to eventregis@hkgbc.org.hk on or before 11 October 2023 12:00 noon. Please quote your registration number in the email.
  5. Please be punctual. Latecomers will NOT be allowed to join the event. 
  6. The event will be cancelled when the Typhoon Signal No.8 or above, or Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted at 12:00 noon.
  7. Certificate of attendance will be issued by email around a week after the event.
  8. The CPD hour(s) will be automatically uploaded to attendees' BEAM Pro / BEAM Affiliate Individual Account around a week after the event.
  9. If you feel unwell, have fever or any sickness symptoms, please refrain from joining the event.

Limited seats. First come, first served.