
Discover the Key Highlights of Chinachem Group Sustainability Report 2022-2023

Chinachem Group recently released its 4th Sustainability Report, outlining its unwavering commitment to sustainability and highlighting its efforts from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. Despite not being a publicly listed company, Chinachem Group recognises the vital importance of annual reporting as a means of communicating its endeavours and updates to the stakeholders.

Driven by its dedication to sustainable development, Chinachem Group actively contributes to society by adhering to the '3Ps', a commitment that benefits People, brings Prosperity to the community, and preserves the Planet. With this overarching vision in mind, it has made substantial strides during the reporting period. The key achievements encompass the following:

Progressing with Our Community and People
  • The second “Playground for All” – Nina Park, has been renovated to showcase an extraordinary collection of museum-grade wood fossils. The park offers visitors an interactive experience to learn and enjoy the park’s green features.
  • Nina Hotel Tsuen Wan West underwent a transformation by converting 100 rooms into up to 200 well-equipped hostel spaces, providing affordable accommodation for youth to pursue their self-development and dreams.

Empowering a Prosperous Future
  • Established the ESG Investment Guidelines and ESG Criteria in Technical Due Diligence to ensure the investment and building portfolio align with its sustainability values.
  • Secured around HK$4.8 billion in green loan in the reporting period. 58% of its total financing facilities are green or sustainability-linked.

Sustaining Our Planet
  • Reduced carbon intensity (scope 1 and 2) by 23% in 2022 compared to the 2020 baseline year, progressing towards the Group's “CCG 3050+” SBTi validated target.
  • Partnered with CLP to introduce HK’s 1st zero-carbon chiller system at Nina Tower, incorporating cutting-edge technologies that achieve over 50% electricity reduction. An equivalent amount of green energy certificates matches the rest.

Looking Ahead
  • Pursuing B Corp certification in full swing to demonstrate commitment in creating positive impact on society and the environment while pursuing profit targets.
  • Announced plans to develop a net-zero roadmap in line with the SBTi’s Corporate Net-Zero Standard and conduct a physical climate risk assessment of its portfolio, including existing buildings and development sites.
  • Committed to make disclosure aligned with the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) recommendations as part of the Group's global commitment to being one of the early adopters.
Going forward, Chinachem Group is excited to continue advancing its efforts and growing sustainably with its stakeholders. Chinachem Group looks forward to sharing more progress in the near future.

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Wood fossil and rainwater harvesting system at Nina Park

Achieved remarkable results including a B rating in the CDP Climate Change and a 4-star GRESB rating in 2023