
Great Eagle’s Inaugural Standalone Sustainability Report

Great Eagle is delighted to present its Sustainability Report 2023 – Great Eagle’s inaugural standalone sustainability report. Aligned with the Group’s vision of sustainable growth, the report is a comprehensive showcase of the Group’s efforts and performance across four key sustainability aspects. Highlights include: 

Prioritising the Environment
  • Great Eagle conducted physical climate risk analyses for ten major assets and made its existing buildings future-ready through retrofits and other upgrades, with Three Garden Road achieving “Triple Platinum” Existing Building certification.
  • Oyster Shell Upcycling Pilot Programme collected over five tonnes of used oyster shells from its restaurants and the Group began exploring its potential as a sustainable alternative to conventional construction materials.

Empowering our People
  • Cultivated a healthy, safe, people-centric, and wellness-oriented workplace culture; fostering employee well-being and a sense of belonging, and promoting a healthy workplace culture through training programmes and recreational events.
  • Promoted an equal opportunity workplace by recruiting people from different backgrounds and giving them opportunities to grow and thrive. Meanwhile, unique summer internships and leadership training programmes at its properties and Hotel Division helped grow and sustain its talent pipeline. 
Contributing to our Communities
  • Established the HK$2 million “Great Eagle Group Scholarship” to nurture sustainable development talent at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and City University of Hong Kong (CityU) for the next five years. 
  • Continued to support the communities that surround its properties in numerous ways, including youth development programmes for secondary and tertiary students such as job shadowing, coaching and real-world job experience initiatives.

Optimising Operations
  • Supported property technology start-ups by providing a testing ground for new technologies through its existing building retro-commissioning work.
  • Prioritised its customers and partners through welcoming and inclusive environments, and by engaging tenants, guests and shoppers in campaigns promoting health and safety, wellness and environmental protection.

To read the report in its entirety, please visit https://www.greateagle.com.hk/sustainability-disclosure