The World Sustainable Built Environment Online Conference 2020 (WSBE 2020) will take place from 2 to 4 November 2020.
The Construction Industry Council (CIC) and Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) are the joint Gold Sponsor of this world renowned conference. The support will cover a range of Speaking Opportunities for Hong Kong as a whole which includes Keynote Session, Panel Discussion, Parallel Sessions, as well as Paper Sessions, etc. This high-level involvement demonstrates Hong Kong’s continued dedication in showcasing the outstanding achievements of Hong Kong in fostering a sustainable city and community to the world.
For the Conference Registration, over 160 Hong Kong delegates will join this world conference (of which over 130 are supported by the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF)) to empower knowledge exchange with global audience around the world.
Furthermore, the Hong Kong Report on the State of Sustainable Built Environment 2020 (Hong Kong Report 2020) will also be published on 2 November to illustrate the excellence of Hong Kong’s concerted effort amongst the government, industry and the community in driving for a sustainable built environment in a high-rise high-density context.
For the Conference Registration, over 160 Hong Kong delegates will join this world conference (of which over 130 are supported by the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF)) to empower knowledge exchange with global audience around the world.
Furthermore, the Hong Kong Report on the State of Sustainable Built Environment 2020 (Hong Kong Report 2020) will also be published on 2 November to illustrate the excellence of Hong Kong’s concerted effort amongst the government, industry and the community in driving for a sustainable built environment in a high-rise high-density context.