HKGBC Jockey Club Green and Smart Community Buildings Project cooperated with various local environmental groups and art groups to jointly organise a series of fun and interactive workshops for staff and service users of our four NGO partners. These activities, from crafts-making to experimental drama, aim to enhance the participants’ knowledge on green building and motivation to implement green practices.
Flappyland Workshop
The Project collaborated with Flappyland, a local eco art organisation, to hold community engagement activities. Through the eco art and craft workshops, kindergarten students and elderly learnt the concept of clean recycle and up-cycle, as well as gained deeper understanding of green building and BEAM Plus rating tools through making bird figure wands from shampoo bottle pumps.

Winter Clothing All You Can Take
Attracted over 600 participants, the pre-Chinese New Year swap party co-hosted with JupYeah, an online swap platform and event organiser in Hong Kong, was a huge success. The activity aimed to encourage people to start a new year with zero waste and zero consumption, as well as to promote sustainable green living style. Many participants brought their “old” clothes and exchanged some “new” clothes, a lot of them even pledged to support green building development.

Rush Chair Workshop
Broken furniture can still be used again! Co-organised with Kratpr, a local creative group, the Rush Chair Workshop allowed volunteers and families to revamp old chairs using recycled wood, fabric and chair stand. By learning how to weave a chair seat with the right tension and traditional technique, decayed chairs have been restored and could be used again. After the event, some of the news chairs were placed in the public areas of service centers.

Microgreens Planting Workshop
In collaboration with social enterprise Rooftop Republic Urban Farming, microgreens planting was introduced to staff and families of NGOs. Participants first learnt how to make pot from paper rolls, then learn to put soil, seeds and water into it. After two weeks of care, fresh and juicy vegetables could be enjoyed. This simple idea of integrating green practices into urban spaces has inspired many participants to continue growing their own vegetables in office or home.

Recycling and Upcycling Workshop
Social enterprise V Cycle was invited to teach children and elderly to reuse old CDs and abandoned construction tiles to make unique cup coasters, transforming ready-to-be-dumped objects into handy home décor. The eco-friendly coasters they made were not only beautiful product of creativity, they were fun to be used too. Through the workshop, concept of reduce, reuse and upcycle were spread to the participants, encouraging them to be creative in practicing green living.

Eco Drama Workshop
Environmental education can also be fun! King, who's a member of Banana Effect, a local art group, has designed a series of interactive learning activities including drama, imitation game and group discussion to cultivate a sense of awareness towards green building and being environmentally friendly.

Co-organiser : Chinese YMCA Kornhill Centre & H.K.S.K.H. Kei Oi Neighbourhood Elderly Centre