HKGBC welcomes the development of green mortgage plans that are linked to BEAM Plus and may at its discretion assist to publicise such mortgage plans by allowing their information to be posted here. HKGBC however has no direct or indirect involvement in those green mortgage plans and is therefore not responsible for any matters relating to such plans despite them being publicised here. HKGBC further does not accept any responsibility for the contents, accuracy or correctness of the information posted here.
For the list of residential properties that hold valid Gold / Platinum ratings under BEAM Plus New Buildings (NB) / Existing Buildings (EB), please reach the following url.

Any interested person or party should contact the banks running the relevant green mortgage services directly for any details or enquiries relating to the green mortgage or the information posted here.

For publicising BEAM Plus-linked green mortgage information on our website, banks should contact the HKGBC Secretariat (Tel 3994 8853 or 3994 8868).


Bank of China (Hong Kong)

The Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited ("BOCHK") has always been committed to promoting the sustainable development of the environment and society. After launching Green Deposits, Green Loans, Green Bonds and ESG Funds, the Bank further expands sustainable development to its Mortgage Service.

BOCHK has launched a Green Mortgage Plan in Hong Kong to encourage customers to support sustainable buildings and build a green future together.


Bank of Communications (Hong Kong)

The Hong Kong subsidiary of Bank of Communications provides a "Special Green Mortgage Interest Rate Plan" for properties that have received the BEAM Plus platinum or gold certification from the Hong Kong Green Building Council to encourage customers to purchase properties with green and sustainable development plans.


Bank of East Asia

BEA launches the Green Mortgage Plan ("the Plan") to promote green living and sustainability in Hong Kong by encouraging customers to purchase property in sustainably designed and constructed buildings. These buyers will also benefit from future cost savings as a result of better energy efficiency.

The Plan is offered to prospective purchasers of first-hand, second-hand, or government-subsidised residences that have a valid Provisional/Final "Platinum" or "Gold" rating under the BEAM Plus New Buildings/Existing Buildings scheme of the Hong Kong Green Building Council.


Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited

(Chinese Version ONLY)



DBS Hong Kong

We know there’s no greater joy than buying a new home. If your dream home is sustainably built and has a BEAM Plus Platinum or Gold rating issued by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, you can earn a cash rebate by choosing our Green Mortgage.


Hang Seng Bank

Hang Seng is committed to providing customers with diversified green banking services. The launching of the Green Mortgage Plan is meant to bring out our joint forces to power up the environmental cause in everyday life. Together, let’s support sustainable development to build a green future.


Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

Every little step matters when it comes to protecting Planet Earth. HSBC presents the Green Mortgage to reward you for building a home which supports sustainable environmental development. Together we can build a more sustainable future for you, your loved ones, and the future generations. Green Mortgage is available to the designated first-hand residential properties that have received BEAM Plus Platinum or Gold Rating issued by the Hong Kong Green Building Council.


Public Bank (Hong Kong)

Green Mortgage Plan - Applicable to residential properties certified by BEAM Plus Gold or Platinum rating


Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong)

Standard Chartered is committed to making banking services greener and more sustainable. Together with us, you can start your Green Banking journey through your first green mortgage. There are over 600 sustainability certifications for products and buildings being used in the world today and Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) is one of the most renowned organizations which provides certifications to sustainable buildings in Hong Kong.

BEAM Plus, which is recognized by HKGBC, is Hong Kong's leading initiative to offer independent assessment of buildings' sustainability performance with a balanced scale in the area of Environmental Sustainability, Economic Sustainability and Social Sustainability that can fulfill the Bank's Green and Sustainable Product Framework.
Bank names are listed in alphabetical order