BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (EB) measures the actual performance of a building and evaluates its facility management practices. The assessment covers all aspects of management, operation and maintenance, and may be initiated at any time during a building’s operational life.

To help achieve the target of the Hong Kong Government’s stated Energy Saving Plan by 2025, the new version of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 contains major revisions to the assessment guidelines and offers greater flexibility in the scope of assessment. These changes have been implemented with a view to encouraging more participation by the 42,000 existing buildings in Hong Kong, thus improving their energy efficiency and enhancing their environmental management practices.

(Click above to view the brochure)

What buildings can be assessed?

BEAM Plus EB V2.0 covers the management, operation, maintenance and improvement of existing buildings of all types and all ages, including commercial, educational, government, industrial, office and residential buildings, hotels, shopping centres and more. The assessment covers all areas that are under the control of the applicant. Additional or bonus credits are awarded when the building’s tenants, who are also critical to the building’s long-term environmental performance, are involved in the assessment.

For buildings outside Hong Kong, there is a BEAM Plus EB Global Version launched on 27 May 2024. The rating tool can be applied to buildings outside Hong Kong with special fee concession. Please contact the Secretariat at Tel No. (852) 39948813 or (852) 3994 8868 to find out more.

Applying for BEAM Plus Existing Buildings can help to:

Benefits of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0
Implement new initiatives that improve a building’s energy efficiency and environmental performance; Enhance the performance of existing buildings of all ages; Flexibly achieve certification in accordance with the building’s pertinent conditions; and Contribute towards the target of the Government’s latest Energy Saving Plan.

Assessment Aspects of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0

Assessment Aspects Description

Site Aspects (SA)
is about the location, design, infrastructural provisions and basic amenities of a building or a development.

concerns responsible management practices and provisions to encourage sustainable management of occupied areas.

Materials and Waste Aspects (MWA)
encourages waste reduction and efficient use of materials of lesser environmental impacts.

Energy Use (EU)
relates to low energy design, energy efficiency practices and adoption of renewable energy.

Water Use (WU)
emphasises adoption of water efficient devices and practices, reduction of water use and the quality of potable water.

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
encompass various environmental aspects of indoor environment which have an impact on the health, comfort or wellbeing of the occupants and neighbours including daylight access, air quality, ventilation, and thermal comfort, etc.

Innovations and Additions (IA)
gives credits to projects with innovative designs that enhance environmental performance; and projects with superior performance that greatly exceed the prevailing requirements in the assessment.


Options Available under BEAM Plus EB V2.0

Individual Certification

BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 is designed to give applicants more flexibility, so they can tailor an assessment to their needs, budget and technical capabilities. Applicants can apply for a Comprehensive Scheme or a Selective Scheme, according to the current circumstances of their buildings. Click HERE for details.

There are four ratings available for a project after completing the assessment under Comprehensive Scheme:





There are four ratings available for each assessed aspect for a project after completing the assessment under the Selective Scheme:


Very Good



Registration with Comprehensive Scheme or Energy Use (EU) Aspect of Selective Scheme under BEAM Plus EB V2.0 may contribute to higher priority ranking in the application for CLP Eco Building Fund or HK Electric Smart Power Fund. Click HERE for details. 

Volume Certification

In addition, BEAM Plus EB Volume Certification is designed for multiple-building registration. Applicants can apply for either Comprehensive Scheme or Selective Scheme. It enables property owners, developers and facility managers to assess the sustainability performance of multiple existing buildings in a faster and more economic manner. Click HERE for details.

Visit the resources website: there are various learning materials about green existing buildings, as well as a comprehensive guide on how to pursue BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (EB) certification.