You can easily search for the details of ALL registered and assessed projects under BEAM Plus family such as Neighbourhood (ND), New Buildings (NB), Existing Buildings (EB), Interiors (BI), Data Centres (incl. New Data Centre (NDC) and Existing Data Centre (EDC)) and Existing Schools (ES) in this project directory which shall be updated bi-weekly by HKGBC.

For the BEAM Plus Statistics, you can have a glance at the number of BEAM Plus projects, plus their distribution by types, owners and ratings.

Please come back regularly to check out how BEAM Plus is performing!

Full list of projects in spreadsheet format (in xlsx format) can be downloadable inside the the project directory.

If you have any enquiry and suggestion, please send the email to

Click HERE to BEAM Plus Project Directory and Statistics

Disclaimer: The information provided on the hyperlinked file and webpage of this website is for reference only. Although care has been taken to ensure that the information provided on the hyperlinked file and webpage of this website is accurate and up-to-date, the Hong Kong Green Building Council (hereafter the HKGBC) does not warrant that all, or any part of, the information provided is accurate in all respects. You are encouraged to conduct your own checking to verify any particular piece of information provided on the hyperlinked file and webpage. The HKGBC shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any use or reliance on any of the information provided on the hyperlinked file and webpage.

For projects registered and assessed from 1996 to 2010, known as "HK-BEAM Project" certified by BEAM Society Limited (BSL), please contact BSL Secretariat for enquiries.