HK Electric’s Sustainability Report 2021 - Working Together for a Sustainable Future

HK Electric, the main operating company of HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited, is a power utility in Hong Kong and supplies electricity to about 584,000 customers on Hong Kong and Lamma Islands. The Group’s newly published Sustainability Report 2021 covers HK Electric’s operations and presents its approach to sustainability, key performance during the year, as well as plans and targets for the future.
2021 remained a challenging year for Hong Kong as the COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact the society and economy. HK Electric believes that while people cannot “be together” due to social distancing, all must “hold together” to overcome and bring about a better and greener future.
Sustainability highlights of the year for HK Electric are:
- Took another step towards decarbonising its operations following the synchronisation of a new gas-fired unit in November 2021, with full commissioning expected in mid-2022;
- Achieved a high supply reliability record of over 99.9999% for the second year in a row and made good progress with the deployment of smart meters for its customers;
- Implemented emergency response measures to protect its employees against COVID-19 and ensure business continuity, while expanding its relief measures for people and businesses experiencing hardship during the pandemic;
- Concluded the 18-month internal education campaign on sustainability to enhance its employees’ sustainability awareness and to further embed sustainability across its business; and
- Received the Gold Award and Outstanding Impact Award at the SDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong 2021 organised by the Green Council for the success of its Smart Power Services.
HK Electric considers that combating climate change by getting to net zero is integral to Hong Kong’s sustainable development and is mapping out its plan and maintaining a close dialogue with the Government and other stakeholders to determine the most efficient and effective ways to achieve carbon neutrality. In addition to switching from coal to gas-fired generation, HK Electric is working hard to increase renewable energy generation and studying to introduce other zero-carbon solutions, such as hydrogen-fuelled power.
Please click HERE to access HK Electric’s Sustainability Report 2021.

HK Electric supports Hong Kong’s decarbonisation targets and initiatives, including the Carbon Neutrality Partnership led by the Environment Bureau.

HK Electric promotes environmental awareness across its supply chain, such as partnering with its contractors to support coastal clean-up on Lamma Island.